BCSARA and EMBC continue to discuss the Alternative Support Model for Search and Rescue in B.C. The original Discussion Paper is being revised into a draft proposal which will be distributed in early fall to the SAR Community for feedback through presentations at Regional SAR Conferences, meetings with individual SAR Groups where possible, and Regional Conference calls. The draft proposal contains a lot more detail on the proposed SAR Foundation structure, supports to SAR volunteers, and funding disbursement model. Support from SAR Groups will be critical as the proposal is taken forward to the next step. Questions on the Alternative Support Model can be sent to altfunding@bcsara.com.


In October 2013 BCSARA presented the Minister of Justice with a Discussion Paper outlining a ‘Alternative Funding Model for Search and Rescue in B.C.’ which provides for adequate and substantial funding as well as reducing the administrative workload on SAR volunteers throughout the Province. Meetings with EMBC and other agencies assisted in further defining the model, which is now referred to as the ‘Alternative Support Model’ given the priority of reducing fund raising and administrative demands on volunteers in addition to ensuring adequate and substantial funding. The Discussion Paper is being revised as a Proposal for consideration and support by SAR Groups prior to submitting to other levels within the Provincial Government.